Sunday Mornings
Metamora Mennonite Church is a Christian community committed to following Jesus together. No matter where you are in your journey with Jesus, we’d love to journey with you.
New to church?
Whether you are looking for a new church, or have never darkened the doors of a church, the first Sunday can be intimidating. So much so, that many people never take that first step. The biggest cause of anxiety is simply not knowing what to expect.
When you walk into Metamora Mennonite Church, you will be greeted by a friendly face and a big smile. We value every person that walks in the door, be it their first visit or the 500th.
You will discover people dressed comfortably. There will be some people dressed casually and others more formally. A welcomer will help you find a place to hang your coat, point you to the restrooms, nursery and children's areas, coffee area if needed or desired.
An usher will help you find a comfortable seat in the sanctuary and provide you with a bulletin so you can fully participate in the service without having to guess what is coming next.
Time: Metamora Mennonite Church will be meeting on Sunday mornings for the worship service at 10:00 am. Faith Formation (Sunday School) will begin at 9:00 am.
Our music is diverse because our musicians are diverse. Some Sundays you will be invited to sing along with organ and piano. Other Sundays it will be a more contemporary style of music.
Our preaching is Bible-based and Jesus-centered. That means that you will not walk out of a service without hearing about Jesus and His teaching as presented in the Scriptures. He is the center of our faith and the Head of the Church.
Acts reading plan
Children are a valuable part of the faith community and, therefore, they are a valuable part of worship at MMC. Each Sunday we welcome children’s participation in worship and have a children’s message just for them.
We place a high value on safety and security of our children and other vulnerable people. Click here to review our “Safe Church Policy” and feel free to inquire with any questions you may have.
During worship, and after the children's story, children 3 and under will be invited to the nursery.
Preschool, and 1st - 3rd graders will meet downstairs for their activities. These ages will need parents to sign them in.
The Youth, 4th - 8th graders will meet in the upstairs balcony room for their activity time. (They can sign themselves in.)
Our goal is to welcome children and students of all ages as integral parts of the faith community, tend to their needs as best we are able, and support parents in the sacred role of raising their kids to love God and others.
faith formation (sunday school)
Faith Formation Groups (Sunday School)
Faith Formation classes are from 9 am to 9:45 am on Sunday mornings.
We look forward to worshiping together at 10 am.
The options for these groups will include:
Weekly Examen (Intergenerational) – Meet in Library – Facilitated by Jeanne Sears - Invitation for a time to slow down and reflect on our previous week. We will practice noticing how God has or has not been with us in our real lives. This is an opportunity to reset for the coming week. All ages are welcome.
Salt and Light – Meet in Pastor Eric’s Study – Facilitated by Dave Ewert and Don Schertz – The theme this month is “Participating in God’s Work”.
Gathered to Pray (Intergenerational) – Meet in the Prayer Room in the northwest corner of the sanctuary – Facilitated by Ron Sears – We will pause to listen and pray, for ourselves, our community, and the world. We will also offer space to pray for our church family as we gather to worship. All ages are welcome.
Youth (grades 4-12) – The youth will meet in their balcony room and will be led by Ron and Sue Bachman. Curriculum is yet to be determined.
The nursery will be open but unstaffed during the 9-9:45am groups. The nursery will be staffed during the worship service.
Children’s groups (grades Preschool - 3rd) will meet during the sermon and then return for the closing of the worship service.
covid-19 update
Masks at MMC
Masks are now optional. Those wanting to keep their mask on the whole time are welcome to do so.
Balcony seating available
Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church
We are passing the plate again for our offering. You are also invited to drop your offering in the offering box in the narthex or give online for this season.
If you have any questions or thoughts the Elder team would welcome them.
We will stream the service from the sanctuary and you can access that here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 2716 5742
To watch the recorded service:
Each Sunday we have a prayer and sharing time. This is a time where people can share their joys and concerns, which are then prayed for by the congregation.
You can also request prayer by sending an email to All requests shared individually with pastors or elders, or emailed to the church, are kept confidential unless you specify otherwise (i.e. if you want them on the prayer chain or listed in The Weekly).
We celebrate communion (The Lord's Supper) on the first Sunday morning of each month. These services will be announced via the web and in print, so that people can prepare.
We've been told, by guests and visitors, that Metamora Mennonite is an open, warm and hospitable congregation. We look forward to meeting you and worshiping together!