following jesus

As followers of Jesus, we all begin our journey as novices. We make a decision to follow Jesus in this life.  At that point, our life changes for eternity and so does the purpose of our life now.  As followers of Jesus, now the purpose of life is to grow in faithful obedience to Jesus’ teaching and model.  Some people call this process of growth over time spiritual formation.

Spiritual formation happens in many ways.  It happens in worship and ritual.  It happens through communion and foot washing.  It happens in Bible studies and servant groups. It happens at home, in prayer and personal study. It happens through service, lending a hand to a neighbor, walking with someone in need, letting others help you. It happens through giving a voice to the voiceless and empowering the powerless.  It happens when you stand against that which kills, steals and destroys.  It happens when you stand with life. It happens when you gather with a more mature follower of Jesus for guidance and direction. It doesn't happen by accident.

Spiritual formation happens when we make intentional decisions to do particular things, submitting our will and way to the will and way of Jesus.   At Metamora Mennonite Church we have regular activities that provide a framework for spiritual formation; worship, communion, Sunday morning faith formation groups, teaching events, small group studies and events, mentoring, potlucks (yes, these are deeply spiritual), shared meals (also deeply spiritual) and pastoral care.

This rhythm of church participation creates an "action - reflection" mode of spiritual formation.  We are in the world, as followers of Jesus, living out Jesus’ will and way. We are with one another to reflect on our experiences, engage the scriptures, and get support and guidance to go into the world again, practicing and acting on our faith.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we would love to journey with you!

Sunday morning faith formation classes

Click here for more information.

Baptism Class

We also offer baptism preparation classes for persons who have professed faith in Jesus and wish to be baptized. Contact for more information.